Business 1 : Lesson 115

    The Ron Paul curriculum is one of a kind, because there isn’t going to be another one like it nor as good as it. Former esteemed senator and owner of this curriculum, Ron Paul, give 30 reasons why you should buy this curriculum. Twenty six of them are benefits, while four of them are deficiencies. I felt that while he did grab the essence of the curriculum, he did skip out of things that, in my honest opinion, would further strengthen the reasons why to use this curriculum. Today I will give five such examples, so that maybe Ron will use on his landing page.

    Reason #1, There is no school projects that are a waste of time. When I was in school, I had to school projects in order to get a good grade. An example includes making a detailed map of the USA with states, Capital city, and a legend. Another example to prove my point, I had to a school project that required me and everyone else to make an item to sell at a school event. It was supposed to teach us how to make a business, but I barely sold anything, and mine was the lamest of the whole group. The Ron Paul doesn’t deal with that nonsense, because not once did I see they do something like that.

    Reason #2, there is no stupid labeling, drawing, or crafting in this curriculum. If you go to a school and see what they teach half the time, you would want your money back. Half of the time at normal schools, they have you label a page with parts of a machine, or making an origami crane. They also teach drawing types of plate faults, and they grade all of these with your normal tests and such. The RPC doesn’t have this to save time and brain power on things that matter. Again, not once did they make me have to draw a man in a business suit and tell the benefits of the RPC.

    Reason #3, there is no other classmates that hinder learning, and because of that, you learn at your own pace than waiting for the rest of the class to understand. This in turn allows you to get more output in other courses because your going at your own pace. For example, when I was in english, I was getting b’s and c’s. When I joined the RPC, I went from b’s and c’s to a’s and b’s. This in turn, allowed me to start liking English and writing.

    Reason #4, you learn more than other students at a school. When I went to school, I had a pile of textbooks like the rest, but when we were done, the book was only halfway done! In the RPC, there are not only no textbooks, you finish the course with full knowledge they offer.

     Finally reason #5, this curriculum offers free trials, free courses and a money back guarantee, so you can try this out without having to pay a dime. Even if you paid for it, you can have access to free courses that can help with school. They take the risk out, and I tried the free courses, they are well worth the effort at least. This is my five additional reasons why you should try the Ron Paul Curriculum.

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